0  structures 0  species 0  sequences

Motif: vapC_target (RM00031)

Description: vapC ribonuclease target


Wikipedia annotation Edit Wikipedia article

The Rfam group coordinates the annotation of Rfam data in Wikipedia. This motif is described by a Wikipedia entry entitled VapBC. More...

This page is based on a wikipedia article. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.


You can either download the motif alignment or view it directly in your browser window. More...

Formatting options

You can view or download motif alignments in several formats. Check either the "download" button, to save the formatted alignment, or "view", to see it in your browser window, and click "Generate".

Alignment format:

Family matches

There are 2 Rfam families which match this motif.

This section shows the families which have been annotated with this motif. Users should be aware that the motifs are structural constructs and do not necessarily conform to taxonomic boundaries in the way that Rfam families do. More...

Original order Family Accession Family Description Number of Hits Fraction of Hits Sum of Bits Image
3 RF01719 Pseudomon-1/ErsA RNA 2 0.105 28.2 Match Image
3 RF02994 IMPDH RNA 8 0.099 113.7 Match Image


This section shows the database cross-references that we have for this Rfam motif.

Literature references

  1. McKenzie JL, Robson J, Berney M, Smith TC, Ruthe A, Gardner PP, Arcus VL, Cook GM J Bacteriol. 2012 A VapBC Toxin-Antitoxin Module is a Post-Transcriptional Regulator of Metabolic Flux in Mycobacteria. PUBMED:22366418

External database links

Curation and motif details

This section shows the detailed information about the Rfam motif. We're happy to receive updated or improved alignments for new or existing families. Submit your new alignment and we'll take a look.


Seed source Published; PMID:22366418
Structure source N/A
Type Internal Loop
Author Gardner PP
Alignment details
Alignment Number of
Average length Sequence
identity (%)
seed 38 53.71 41

Model information

Build commands
cmbuild -F CM SEED
cmcalibrate --mpi --seed 1 CM
Gathering cutoff 13.0
Covariance model Download the Infernal CM for the motif here